On Tuesday September 8, the court of Créteil rendered its decision in the case of the fight of Orly. The two rappers were sentenced to 18 months of suspended sentence and they will have to pay a fine of 50,000 euros. Their nine relatives tried at the same time were sentenced to up to 12 months’ imprisonment.
The Créteil Criminal Court sentenced them for aggravated violence.
At the hearing on August 6, the prosecutor had requested a year suspended sentence, against the “petty bourgeois clash” as he had qualified.
In all, eleven people are tried for “aggravated violence” in this case. Epilogue of a clash on the Internet that lasted for years and which resulted in a general fight in a departure lounge on a beautiful afternoon in August.
They incurred up to 10 years in prison and 120,000 euros fine, Booba and Kaaris get away with 18 months suspended sentence and 50,000 euros fine each.